Have you ever wondered what kind of geospatial research is done in different universities and research institutions around Finland or which disciplines teach geospatial courses at the universities? We at Geoportti have updated the Research and education (1)–subsection with descriptions written by the organizations themselves. Visit the subsection to learn about the geospatial activities in Finland. If your own or some other organization is missing from the list, do not hesitate to contact us. You can send as an email at geoportti@utu.fi or use the feedback feature at the bottom of the Research and education page.
While collecting the descriptions from the organizations we also received interesting additions to the Find & Get data (2) –subsection. Visit the page for new additional information of the data and analysis services provided by different Finnish and international organizations and actors.
The Skills Development (3) has received multiple updates and improvements. The updates are based on the discussions held during the Geoportti platform for teaching purposes –workshop organized at the Geoinformatics Research Days in May 2019. The work in developing shared online learning resources was continued within the Finnish university network for Geoinformatics (Fiuginet) (4) to define common best practices for sharing education materials and collaboration.
In the updates, Self-learning modules and External resources –subsections were combined to create a new Online learning –subsection (5). “The main idea behind this improvement was to secure the long-term maintenance of the learning materials. That is why we decided to rely on Digicampus (6) and aoe.fi (7) for the platforms for sharing geospatial education materials. Naturally, all other education materials located in other user selected platforms and web pages are still very welcome and are also shared in the Online learning subsection” comments Vesa Arki from the Geoportti team at University of Turku. Example materials for both learning platforms are added soon.
The newest feature, Methodological storylines (8), facilitates the sharing and comparing of research challenges and processes. A storyline is a short description of research work with especially attention given to the methodology and lessons learned during the work. Visit the subsection to download the template (9) for methodological storylines and see the first example focused on making a Landsat composite covering all of Amazonia (10). See also the attached codes in the Geoportti github for code sharing (11).
- https://www.geoportti.fi/community/research-and-education/
- https://www.geoportti.fi/data/find-and-get-data/
- https://www.geoportti.fi/skills-development/
- http://fiuginet.fi/frontpage/
- https://www.geoportti.fi/skills-development/online-learning/
- https://digicampus.fi/?lang=en
- https://aoe.fi/#/etusivu
- https://www.geoportti.fi/skills-development/methodological-storylines/
- https://www.geoportti.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Geoportti-methodological-storylines-Template.docx
- https://www.geoportti.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Geoportti-methodological-storylines-Landsat-composite-covering-all-Amazonia.pdf
- https://github.com/geoporttishare/Landsat-compositing